Circular PP
Using innovation procurement and capacity building to promote Circular Economy

About the Project
- Position: Partner
- Dates: 01/09/2017 to 30/11/2020
- Total Budget: 2 453 620.00 EUR
- Programme: European Regional Development Fund, Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme for the period 2014 to 2020
- Other partners: City of Aalborg (AAL), City of Malmö (MAL), Aalborg University (AAU), Latvian Environment Investment Fund (LEIF), Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (RRDA), Rijkswaterstaat - Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (RWS), Finish Environment Institute (SYKE), Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), NorthDenmark EU - Office (EENA)
- Web site:
5 steps for market engagement ahead of a circular public procurement
Circular tenders criteria
Критерии экономики замкнутого цикла в процедурах закупок
The public sector can use their buying power to push the circular economy transition
Resource loop
Ресурсный цикл
Circularity Strategies
Стратегии экономики замкнутого цикла
What's new
Activities in Circular PP
Forum Strategov 2018. Stakeholders of the Future
Newsletter 1/May 2018
CPP. Май 2018. Новости
Newsletter 2/October 2018
CPP новости. Октябрь 2018 (PDF, 897 Кб)
Newsletter 3/March 2019
CPP_Октябрь 2018 - март 2019
September 2019. The Start KIT Interreg BSR roundtable discussion in St. Petersburg
Newsletter 4/September 2019
CPP_Сентябрь 2019
Newsletter 5/December 2019
Circular PP_декабрь 2019
Newsletter 6/March 2020
Circular PP_март 2020
Newsletter 7/September 2020
CircularPP_сентябрь 2020
Webinar "Environmental requirements and resource-saving technologies in procurement. What can public sector customers do and what business is ready to offer?"
When: 9th December, 2020, 15:00-17:00
The webinar was held by National Research University Higher School of Economics and the "Ecological Union" (EcoUnion)
Purpose: the webinar is conceived as a meeting of manufacturers, suppliers and public sector customers to introduce “the new trend” - circular (resource-saving) and environmentally friendly (including non-toxic) procurement and supplies, share experiences between business and public sector customers about the opportunities and readiness of the market to use new technologies and business models.
Webinar is intended for public sector and municipal customers, business representatives, experts in the field of environmental safety, experts in the field of public procurement.
Brief project description
Circular Public Procurement is a 3 year project supported by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme.
The aim is to address the societal challenge of resource efficiency, by considering innovation from a multidimensional perspective – including involving products, processes and new business models and by exploiting the synergies between public authorities, research institutions, SMEs and non-profit organisations in this field.
Through innovative thinking, change of mindset and new points of view on the existing reality, a ´getting-more-by-using less´ approach will be introduced. This change of paradigms in the current way of using resources will be given by introducing the principles of circular economy thinking to the market and in the public procurement strategies and practices of partner cities.
A circular economy approach is an alternative to the “make, use, dispose” model, which aims to keep products and materials in the value chain for a longer period and to recover raw materials after the lifetime of the products for their next use.
Applied to public procurement, it is known as a different way of acquiring goods and services that promotes consideration of the whole lifecycle of products throughout their supply chain.
By experimenting with non-conventional business models, circular procurement aims to lead the way to a circular economy.
For the achievement of developing an adequate framework for circular procurement, the project team will follow a four steps approach:
- The study of the current state of knowledge on public/circular procurement.
- Building necessary capacity on circular procurement for all relevant stakeholders.
- Delivery and Implementation of pilot public procurement programs.
- Disseminating widely the project outcomes.
The main outputs of Circular PP:
- a set of recommendations to develop further circular procurement policy and to improve the current institutional organisation of procurement entities;
- training material for public authorities alongside procurement seminars in all seven participating countries, activities to raise awareness among SMEs concerning the design and delivery of circular products and services;
- the delivery of five pilot procurements, as well as a number of specified dissemination activities to exploit the outcomes.
Results from the circular pp-project
WP2 Research
2.1 ) State of the art on Circular Procurement Policy in the Baltic Sea Region:
Summary version
Full version
Russian versions:
summary ver.
full ver.
2.2) Alternative business models available for circular procurement:
Summary version
Full version
Russian versions:
Summary version
Full version
2.3) How to advance circular public procurement:
Eng. version
Russian version
WP 4 Pilots
Lessons learnt from the procurement pilots:
Summary ver.
Full ver.
Russian ver.:
Summary ver.
Full ver.
“8 step book”:
Eng. ver.
Contact Information
Центр прикладных исследований и разработок: Заместитель директора центра
Центр прикладных исследований и разработок: Главный эксперт
Центр прикладных исследований и разработок: Менеджер
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